

Aggression in our everyday life!


1. Print out this survey and fill in your answers individually - you can tick more than one answer!  Do not write down your name - this survey is anonymous!

2. Collect the surveys within your class..

3. Draw a diagram of the survey's results at the board!.

4.Talk about the results and your feelings!

Are you surprised? Are you shocked?

1. Being aware of aggression

I have never seen any form of aggression in my everyday life.

I have seen some form of verbal aggression in my everyday life (e.g. swearing at s.o.).

I have seen some form of physical aggression in my everyday life (e.g. hitting s.o.).

I have seen some form of emotional aggression in my everyday life (e.g. bullying s.o., threatening s.o.).

2. I am couraged to stand up for my own beliefs. (Zivilcourage)
I was never in a situation to stand up for moral courage.
I was in a situation to stand up for moral courage but I did not.
I was in a situation to stand up for moral courage but I did not.
3. Taking part in aggression

I have never been aggressive myself.

I have been aggressive against things (e.g. banging doors, throwing books).

I have been aggressive against other human beings (e.g. hitting s.o., bullying s.o., threatening s.o.).


4. Being part of aggression

I am/was never the target of aggression.

I am/was the target of verbal or emotional aggression (e.g. swearing, threatening or bullying).

I am/was the the target of physical aggression (e.g. hitting).

5. Places of aggression
I am/was the target of aggression at school.
I am/was using violence in school against other students.
I am/was the target of aggression at home.
I am/was using violence at home against my parents.
I am/was using violence at home against my parents.
I am/was the target of aggression in my circle of friends.
I am/was using violence in my circle of friends.
I am/was the target of aggression in public places (e.g. street, pubs, bars, ...).
I am/was the target of aggression in public services (e.g. bus, train, tram, ...).