Lesson Plan - group 5

Title of unit:  Jimmy's journey to the restaurant

Basic idea/brief summary: Jimmy takes the pupils on a journey to a restaurant and shows them what they can eat there

Target group:  4th grade

Time frame (in lessons): about four lessons

General aim(s): learning new words concerning the topic of food

Language aims:  improving speaking, listening and writing skills


Resources needed: word cards and picture cards, story "Jimmy's journey to the restaurant", HotPotatoe activities (matching exercise, jumbled words exercise, crossword puzzles, exercise: "What does Jimmy want to eat?"), computer (to do the tasks that are on the platform), 'menu card'-template

Authors of this unit: 

Daniela Moritz, Stefanie Welzel, Pia Schimanski




1. Pre-Task / Preparation




children are sitting in a circle with all the picture cards in the middle; each child should take a cord concerning the question what his/her favourite food is students should come in contact with the new words and the new topic

(speaking skills)/ learning the chunk my favourite food is...

teacher tells the pupils "Jimmy's journey to the restaurant" listening comprehension
 2. Core activity




s. repeat the new words in a chorus activities should help s. to remember the new words better
s. should come to the board and point to the cards the t. told them  
all picture cards are on the board, s. put their heads on the table, t. takes one card away and asks "What is missing?"  
s. should put the word cards to the correct picture on the board  
s.put their heads on the table, t.changes the pictures and the word cards, s. should say which cards are wrong  
some s. come in front of the class and put one picture card behind their back, the other s. have to guess which card each s. has s. learn the chunks Have you got?, Yes, I have and No, I haven't
Hot potatoe tasks s. can do the computer activities alone or in a group of max. three pupils
role play in a restaurant: s. create a menu card (template) , two s. are the persons who order s.th. to eat and one s. plays the waiter/waitress

group work (3 to 4 s.)

using the chunks: What would you like? I'd like to drink/to eat..., Thank you, you're welcome, For dessert I'd like


3. Post task / Follow up




as a homework s. should paint their favourite food at a restaurant and perhaps name the food they like to eat reproduction and visualisation of the new vocabularies

Comments on any of these materials are thoroughly welcome, and should be addressed to markus.ritter@uni-due.de