The antics of 'Little Boys'

by Doug Case

Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Ted. He lived in a little house in Chelchester, and for six days a week he was very bored. But on one day a week – Saturday – he wasn’t bored at all, because Saturday was a very special day.


Every Saturday, Ted met his friends, and they all went to a Very Special Place, they stood with a lot of other people, shoulder to shoulder. Sometimes the sun was shining, when they went to the Special Place. Usually it was raining, but they didn’t worry. In the Special Place, they watched twenty-two Large Men and a Small Round Thing. The Large Men ran around, chased the Round Thing and kicked it. (They also kicked each other.) They all had long hair and bright shirts, and they looked smart and fashionable. A Little Man also ran around. He didn’t kick anything or anyone: he shouted, blew a whistle and sometimes wrote in a little book with a special pen. After some time, eleven Large Men were always happy, and eleven were always very sad. 


Last Saturday was a very special Saturday indeed. Ted got up early. He put on his heavy steel-toed boots, and was just putting his favourite brick in his pocket, when his mother called him “Hurry up, Ted! You’ll miss the train!”

Ted ran to the station as fast as he could. His friends, the other Boot Boys, were waiting. They jumped onto the special train, and were soon speeding towards Mansea to see their eleven heroes. On the train they had a wonderful time – they broke all the windows (Crash!), smashed all the lights (Bang!), cut all the seats with their knives (Swish!), and drank a lot of beer.

The train soon arrived in Mansea. Ted and the Boot Boys ran to the Special Place. The Large Men kicked the Round Thing. Ted and his friends shouted at the Little Man, the people from Mansea, and the Tall Men in Blue. They threw bottles and they sang their special songs. It was marvellous! But finally, their heroes were sad, and Ted was very sad. They were so sad that they didn’t go home for their tea. 

They stayed in the Special Place, with the Mansea people and the Men in Blue. They hit them (Bonk!), kicked them (Crack!), punched them (Biff!), threw things at them (Whee!) … what fun! They were soon feeling much happier, ran to the station and went home on the train. (Some stayed in Little Rooms with the Men in Blue). 

They were all very tired, and so that night they went to sleep immediately and had sweet dreams after their busy day.



Sources literature:

Doug Case. "The antics of 'Little Boys'". 

In: Franz J. Wicker. Courses in english: Violence: Forms, Motives, Alternatives. August: Bagel Verlag, 1977. 68-69.


Sources pictures: